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TouchChat App as a Literacy Support Tool

Posted Oct 2, 2014 - 9:42am

Join us at Closing the Gap in Minneapolis for a seminar on TouchChat App as a Literacy Support Tool.

TouchChat App as a Literacy Support Tool

Date: Wed, Oct 15, 2014 from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Plaza 2
Category: curriculum development / modifications
Format: lecture

Subject Level: Beginner
Computer Level: Beginner

We will show examples of how to use the TouchChat app on the iPad® to support literacy instruction for early childhood students who are learning English, identified with autism spectrum disorder, speech-language disorder or are at-risk for a variety of reasons. Curriculum books with accompanying TouchChat boards, as well as ideas for implementation in a classroom, including videos, will be shown, such as center time, pre-reading or shared reading. Data from a districtwide pilot will be presented. You will leave ready to start a program in your own school!
