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Three Apps, Two Celebrations, One Big Sale!

  Posted on Mar 24, 2025 - 9:38am

Three apps and two celebrations unite to bring you one big sale! Get ready for 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Save the date – Thur...


AAC App Update 2.52

  Posted on Feb 10, 2025 - 3:04pm

App update 2.52 brings exciting changes to language organization in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Your overall app experience improves with updates too. Update today...


AAC App Update 2.51

  Posted on Nov 13, 2024 - 9:31am

Update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.51 and experience the best of TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Go to the App Store to start your update! Make sure your d...


AAC App Update 2.50

  Posted on Sep 11, 2024 - 10:28am

It’s time to update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.50 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Your overall app e...


AAC App Update 2.49

  Posted on Jul 10, 2024 - 10:48am

Check out the latest news for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC with update version 2.49. To access new app features, make sure your device is operating with iOS version ...


App Release 2.48

  Posted on May 7, 2024 - 4:17pm

It’s time to update your iOS AAC apps to version 2.48 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! To improve the quality of y...


Get amped up for 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Save the date – Wednesday, April 24 through Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – for this t...


App Release 2.47

  Posted on Mar 8, 2024 - 12:26pm

Hey, TouchChat Community! We’ve got a software update for you. Please update to version 2.47.1 to enjoy the full functionality of our recent software release. Don’t miss out on the best of...


Check out the newest features for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.46. And remember, your overall app experience improves with...


Classic TouchChat® Apps Retiring FAQs

  Posted on Nov 28, 2023 - 2:20pm

Revised March 8, 2024 With many AAC apps on the market, your decision to choose TouchChat as your AAC app means a lot to us. Your voice is our priority. We seek to provide you with the best possible ...


It’s time to update your iOS AAC apps to version 2.45 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC!   New features f...


The Biggest AAC App Sale Of The Year Is Back!

  Posted on Oct 4, 2023 - 11:40am

Enjoy 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®app during the Biggest AAC App Sale of the Year! Mark your calendar for October 11-17, 2023. Do not miss this awesome opportunity during AAC Awareness ...


Classic TouchChat Apps Are Retiring

  Posted on Sep 18, 2023 - 11:11am

Revised March 8, 2024. The following message is for those who frequently use one of our CLASSIC TouchChat® apps. PRC-Saltillo’s three Classic TouchChat® iOS apps (Classic TouchChat with...


Head Tracking And More In App Update 2.44

  Posted on Aug 29, 2023 - 11:54am

Check out the latest changes in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.44. Introducing Head Tracking for the LAMP Words for Life ap...


Check out the latest improvements to TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.43.   Additional head tracking options for To...

    General   -  touchchat, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, ios apps, head tracking, aac assessment tool, aac, wordpower, aac language lab, aac learning journey

TouchChat® is pleased to bring you relevant (and fun!) resources to help students succeed with AAC in the classroom. As we are always looking to serve you better, we are in the process of changing...

    General   -  touchchat

Check out the new features available in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.42. We regularly improve your app experience so you c...

    General   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat, apple silicon processor, apple id, realize language, chat editor, hiru, eye tracking, versaeye, aac learning journey

Welcome Back To The TouchChat® Partner Program!

  Posted on Apr 24, 2023 - 5:24pm

PRC-Saltillo is pleased to announce the return of the TouchChat® Partner Program. After a brief pause to restructure, this program now provides professionals with improved app education and shorte...

    General   -  touchchat, touchchat partner program, partner program, assistive technology, assistive technology professionals, speech therapists, aac

Get ready to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month in April and Better Hearing & Speech Month in May with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s LAMP Words for Life®, TouchChat®, and Dialogue® AAC a...

    General   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower, ios aac apps, ios, sale, app sale, autism, autism acceptance month, better hearing and speech month, slp, aac slp

PRC-Saltillo released version 2.41 updates to our three AAC iOS Apps: TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Included in the 2.41 release are new app features, bug fixes, and...

    General   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat, moveable cursor, almagu, voicekeeper, voicekeeper for kids

Explore AAC App Tips In One Convenient Location

  Posted on Jan 23, 2023 - 5:15pm

Stay in the know with your favorite PRC-Saltillo AAC iOS Apps. Tutorials, support videos, and technology features can now be found on one YouTube Channel. Explore the ever-growing list of resources fo...

    General   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat

It’s time to update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.40 for Dialogue® AAC, LAMP Words for Life®, and TouchChat®. To access new features for the best app experience, make ...

    General   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower, ios aac apps, ios

TouchChat, LAMP Words for Life, and Dialogue AAC by PRC-Saltillo will discontinue support for iOS 12 & iOS 13 starting with the 2.40 release coming in December 2022. Why? With every release, we ...


Check out the latest features for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC in this update:   iOS 16 and iPhone 14 compatibility Added a speak grammar setting (TouchChat...

    General   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower

Get ready to celebrate AAC Awareness Month with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC apps sale October 10-16, 2022! You won't want to miss this ...

    General   -  TouchChat, LAMP, LAMP Words for Life, Dialogue, Dialogue AAC, aac apps, aac, wordpower

Take a few moments to update your TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC apps to the newest 2.38 version and enjoy the latest these popular apps have to offer.  All Engli...

    General   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update, lamp wfl, dialogue aac, lamp words for life, dialogue

In Loving Memory Of Jane Odom

  Posted on Jul 22, 2022 - 1:59pm

Forever in Our Hearts as a Friend, Colleague, and Champion for the AAC Community  Passionate. Joyful. Artistic. Fun. Caring. These are just some of the words that are consistently top of mind fo...

    General   -  jane odom, aac language lab

Take a few moments to update your TouchChat app to the newest 2.37 version and experience the latest improvements to this powerful communication solution.  2.37 Update Welcomes the New Darius Vo...

    General   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update

Introducing A New Way To Learn!

  Posted on Apr 25, 2022 - 2:56pm

Experience PRC-Saltillo’s new AAC Learning Journey website and discover a great variety of resources including eLearning classes and live online instructor-led trainings. From parents looking fo...

    General   -  aac learning journey, learning portal, elearning, live classes, online classes, resources

Ideal for users at the beginning of their AAC journey or for individuals with motor or vision challenges, WordPower25 Español features a robust vocabulary in 25 buttons that align as closely as...

    General   -  wordpower, touchchat, espanol, aac, prc-saltillo, nancy inman, core words, vocabulary, aac vocabulary

Try TouchChat® FREE For 30 Days!

  Posted on Apr 7, 2022 - 1:46pm

You asked and we listened…introducing the new TouchChat® Discover app! TouchChat Discover’s risk-free, 30-day trial allows you to experience everything our popular TouchChat app has t...

    General   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update

It’s Time To Update To TouchChat® 2.35!

  Posted on Feb 11, 2022 - 4:59pm

Head Tracking Rest Area improvements & new WordPower® features Highlight TouchChat 2.35 Update. HEAD TRACKING REST AREA IMPROVEMENTS Added a new On/Off setting to the top of the existing &...

    General   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update

On December 9th, 2021, PRC-Saltillo released version the 2.34 update to the TouchChat® app.  Included in the 2.34 release are many exciting software features, as well as brand new Inclusive ...

    General   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update, 2.34 update, hd lite, almagu, voicekeeper, inclusive voices by almagu

by Patrick Fothergill, Ontario AAC Consultant & SLP As an AAC-focused SLP with connections to Quebec and northern & eastern Ontario, among other places, I often hear from people seeking Frenc...

    General   -  wordpower, french, français, bilingual, aac, language, vocabulary, canada, novachat, touchchat

It’s Time To Update To TouchChat® 2.33.0!

  Posted on Oct 8, 2021 - 10:49am

TouchChat Update 2.33.0 is here…read below for important information. Vocabulary import/export is now available for the TouchChat Lite app. Starting with this 2.33.0 release, support is d...

    General   -  TouchChat, update, software update, TouchChat update

Introducing: Tamira!

  Posted on Sep 28, 2021 - 2:28pm

Tamira, an African-American Adult Female voice, is the latest addition to voices available from PRC-Saltillo. Your Voice Is Important Created in conjunction with Acapela Group, Tamira is the first o...

    General   -  aac, aac voice, acapela, acapela group, african american, african american voice, prc-saltillo, TouchChat

Coaching With AAC Custom Coaching

  Posted on Sep 27, 2021 - 9:50am

New! For parents/caregivers interested in learning how to be more effective when interacting with a child using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).</p> <p>Working with a new...

    General   -  aac, prc-saltillo, aac custom coaching corner, aac custom coaching, aac group coaching, prc, saltillo, touchchat

New And Improved App Websites From PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Sep 23, 2021 - 10:22am

Now, learning about your favorite AAC apps is easier than ever, the former site for the LAMP Words for Life app, now hosts all three of PRC-Saltillo’s industry-leading AAC apps: ...

    General   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower

Get ready to celebrate AAC Awareness Month with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue™ AAC apps! You won't want to miss this awesome oppor...

    General   -  TouchChat, app, app sale, LAMP, Dialogue, sale, TouchChat app sale, get 50% off apps

It’s time to update to TouchChat 2.32! Be sure to check out our video to catch all of the new features in more detail!  New Acapela Voices Tamira is the industry’s first African...

    General   -  TouchChat, update, software update, TouchChat update

Get ready to celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month with 50% off TouchChat May 3-9! You won't want to miss this awesome opportunity to purchase one of the most popular iOS AAC apps on the marke...


Cool New Features Await In TouchChat Update 2.30!

  Posted on Apr 1, 2021 - 10:03am

TouchChat update 2.30 is here and with it comes new features and bug fixes you've been looking for! Features:• Highlight words as they are spoken in the Speech Display Bar (SDB) - Available with...


It's Time To Update To 2.29!

  Posted on Jan 28, 2021 - 10:52am

The 2.29 TouchChat® release is here with cool new features, vocabulary updates, and bug fixes. Here's what you'll find in the latest update: Features• New Gradient Fill setting allows you to...


The 2.28 TouchChat App software release is here, and it's full of awesome new features, bug fixes and vocabulary updates you'll love. Check out our video for more details!  What Else is New wi...


TouchChat® By Saltillo Introduces The 2.27 Update!

  Posted on Oct 2, 2020 - 1:54pm

In this latest update from TouchChat, you won't want to miss the following cool new features. For more information and demonstrations of the following, be sure to check out our What's New video! What...


To help celebrate AAC Awareness Month in October, TouchChat® by Saltillo is being offered at 50% off October 14-18, 2020. You won't want to miss this awesome opportunity, so mark your calendars no...


TouchChat® Releases 2.26.0 Software Update

  Posted on Jul 28, 2020 - 5:38pm

Support for iOS 9 & 10 has been discontinuedAs technology advances rapidly, it is increasingly difficult to ensure compatibility  with out-of-date iOS versions. In order to provide our iOS cu...


TouchChat® by Saltillo will discontinue support for iOS 9 & iOS 10 starting with the 2.26 release coming in July 2020. Why? With every release, we ensure that new features can be used by s...


  In our ongoing effort to make communication and learning at home a little easier during these trying times, TouchChat by Saltillo is being offered at 50% off March 24-30. You won't want...


TouchChat Version 2.24.0 Released

  Posted on Mar 20, 2020 - 2:15pm

TouchChat 2.24.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor. What's New: - Picture suggestions now provided when creating a button  - Ability to name i...


TouchChat 2.23.0 Released

  Posted on Jan 21, 2020 - 1:11pm

TouchChat 2.23.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor. What's New: - Added a “speak last word” button action - Updated Acapela downloadabl...


TouchChat 2.22.0 Released

  Posted on Nov 20, 2019 - 7:03am

TouchChat 2.22.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor. What's New: Added “show grid" lines setting and functionality Updated the Acapela TTS e...


TouchChat 2.21.1 Released

  Posted on Sep 30, 2019 - 8:57am

Due to some unforseen bugs in the 2.21.0 release, we have released 2.21.1 to correct those issues.  Be sure to update to 2.21.1 if you are having problems with TouchChat.  We are very sorry ...


October is AAC Awareness Month! Celebrate with a 50% off sale of our industry-leading product, TouchChat® by Saltillo. Purchases of TouchChat must be made through the app store to receive this ...


TouchChat 2.21.0 Release Notes

  Posted on Sep 17, 2019 - 5:05pm

TouchChat 2.21.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor. What's New: -   Added a “page style override” feature in order to be able ...


TouchChat 2.20.0 Released

  Posted on Jul 15, 2019 - 1:43pm

TouchChat 2.20.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so the versions match. What's New: -  Added Choiceworks, First Then Visual Schedule HD and Y...


2.19.0 Software Released

  Posted on May 8, 2019 - 5:08pm

TouchChat 2.19.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so the versions match. What's New: - Improved iCloud backup for custom vocabularies - New pop-up...


  Join us in celebrating Better Hearing & Speech month with an app sale. TouchChat apps are 50% off from May 1-5.  Purchases must be made through the app store.   TouchChat...


TouchChat 2.18.0 To Be Released On April 1

  Posted on Mar 29, 2019 - 9:43am

TouchChat 2.18.0 will be released on April 1. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so the versions match. What's New: - Public beta head pointing feature (enabl...


TouchChat 2.17.0 Released

  Posted on Jan 4, 2019 - 3:05pm

TouchChat 2.17.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so the versions match. What's New: - New button margin feature allows you to add space in between...


IEssence To Be Removed From The Upgrade Store

  Posted on Nov 13, 2018 - 12:32pm

Effective January 2019, the iEssence vocabulary, which is an in-app purchase within TouchChat will be removed from the Upgrade Store.  This means that you will no longer be able to purchase and d...


TouchChat 2.16.0 Released

  Posted on Nov 5, 2018 - 9:53am

TouchChat 2.16.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so the versions match. What's New: - Indicator to show what vocab you are in - Test your speech ...


TouchChat 50% Off October 3-6

  Posted on Sep 25, 2018 - 10:16am

  Join us in celebrating AAC Awareness month with an app sale. TouchChat apps are 50% off from October 3-6. Terms & Conditions:- Available worldwide: The discount is based on the US App S...


Important Highlights Of IOS 12 For AAC Apps

  Posted on Sep 17, 2018 - 2:30pm

With iOS 12 coming out today, we wanted to update you on some features we think might be useful for our AAC app customers. In Settings, you will find an option called Screen Time.  Screen tim...


TouchChat 2.15.0 Released

  Posted on Sep 5, 2018 - 3:09pm

TouchChat 2.15.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so that the versions match. -        Open iOS app button action...


TouchChat 2.13.0 Released

  Posted on May 15, 2018 - 9:19am

TouchChat 2.13.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so that the versions match. New/Updated Features: - New Communication Journey Aphasia UK Added - Ad...


TouchChat 50% Off May 8-11th

  Posted on Apr 30, 2018 - 9:39am

Terms & Conditions: - Available worldwide - The discount % is based on US App Store. Exact prices may vary in other countries. - Excludes all TouchChat Classic apps and in-app purchases. - S...


Saltillo April Calendar Supports

  Posted on Apr 3, 2018 - 2:51pm

Saltillo has created a 2018 calendar that is designed to help you support an early communicator using AAC.  Each month, calendar activities, target words, and a read-along video are posted to the...


TouchChat 2.12.0 Released

  Posted on Mar 12, 2018 - 1:33pm

TouchChat 2.12.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so that the versions match. New/Updated Features: Now includes ability to play YouTube videos Upda...


TouchChat 2.11.0 Released

  Posted on Jan 4, 2018 - 4:47pm

TouchChat 2.11.0 has been released. Make sure to update both your TouchChat App and your Chat Editor so that the versions match. New/Updated Features: • Updated VocalID speech engine• Vocabu...


IShare Public And Group Files

  Posted on Oct 23, 2017 - 5:08pm

It has come to our attention that some of our customers did not fully understand the difference between the personal and public folders within iShare. This led to some customers unintentionally postin...


For the first time ever, the TouchChat app is going to be offered 50% off for 3 days only to celebrate AAC Awareness Month!  The discount will be valid Wednesday, October 4th through Friday, Octo...


ITunes® 12.7 & IPhone® X Compatibility Issues

  Posted on Sep 14, 2017 - 3:07pm

In lieu of the announcements made by Apple® earlier this week, we wanted to clear up a couple of current issues.  With the release of iTunes® 12.7, Apple has chosen to remove the App Stor...


TouchChat 2.9.0 Released

  Posted on Aug 23, 2017 - 1:38pm

TouchChat 2.9.0 has been released. Make sure to update not only your TouchChat App, but also your Chat Editor so that the versions match. New/Updated Features: Canadian French vocabulary files are no...


TouchChat 2.8.0 Released

  Posted on Jul 6, 2017 - 12:14pm

TouchChat 2.8.0 has been released this week. Make sure to update not only your TouchChat App, but also your Chat Editor so that the versions match. New/Updated Features: - Arabic language now supporte...


People need to be shocked into change. Some people think all non-speech people can't understand things. Some were shocked by a non-speech person who uses a communication device. That made them into fo...


Designed For Meera P. By Apple®

  Posted on May 17, 2017 - 3:34pm

Have you seen the new Apple® ad, "Designed for Meera P." by Apple®?  Meera is a teenager who loves soccer and jokes. She uses TouchChat on an iPad® to talk with her friends and family...


The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has put together a training for kids with autism in being aware of dangers associated with wandering off and how to respond when they are...


TouchChat 2.6.1 Maintenance Release

  Posted on Mar 8, 2017 - 12:17pm

A TouchChat maintenance release, 2.6.1, was released this week. This release corrects two items: Resolves issue where in-app purchase vocabulary files were not retained Improves button drag and drop ...


Guest Post By AAC Device User Darryl Porter

  Posted on Mar 7, 2017 - 2:37pm

The NovaChat and TouchChat are tools to help the communication skills for a non-speaker. I started AAC devices in the early 80's. My mother designed communication charts and taught me to communicate. ...


Don't miss our guest presenter Dr. Carole Zangari teach the online webinar "TELL ME: AAC for the Preschool Classroom" on April 7th from 12-1pm ET. This training is FREE and will be offered for 0.1 ASH...


TouchChat 2.6 Update Has Been Released!

  Posted on Feb 17, 2017 - 3:21pm

TouchChat 2.6.0 was released earlier this week with the following features: New features: A new WordPower file has been added. WordPower 25 Touch & Scan with Keyboard is a vocabulary consisting o...


Don't miss our guest presenter Maureen C. Castillo, MA, CCC-SLP teach the online webinar "The Twin Powers Unite: AAC Core Words and Dolch Sight Words" on February 21st from 7-8pm ET. This training is ...


Poetry By AAC Device User Darryl Porter

  Posted on Nov 29, 2016 - 9:33am

Nova Chat and TouchChat What's worst thing to a soul; Be silent; that's like a voice is in a prison. The gifts Nova Chat and TouchChat HD have come; Gave angelic voice to silent souls. It's like the s...


What's New In TouchChat 2.5.0?

  Posted on Oct 24, 2016 - 11:13am

TouchChat 2.5.0 was released over the weekend with the following features: - New WordPower 48 Español Basic vocab file - New WordPower 108 with Keyboard vocab file- Button Navigation icons (arr...


What's New In TouchChat Version 2.4.0?

  Posted on Aug 8, 2016 - 9:10am

TouchChat 2.4.0 was released over the weekend with the following features: - Aphasia vocabulary added (English)- All English and Spanish vocabulary files updated- Additional symbols and symbol categor...


TouchChat 2.3.0 Is Here!

  Posted on May 23, 2016 - 2:25pm

TouchChat 2.3.0 was released today with the following new features:  - WordPower 60 Basic was added to the WordPower files - iPad Pro® is now supported at full screen resolution - U...


TouchChat 2.2.1 Update Released!

  Posted on Jan 18, 2016 - 10:59am

New Features: Acapela Vocal Smileys – Acapela-Group has added the capability of using Voice Sounds and Exclamations to their voices. See How to use Acapela Vocal Smileys on TouchChat Support Si...


Wooster, OH, Oct 14, 2015: PRC, a leading manufacturer of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology solutions for individuals with speech disabilities, announced today that its onlin...


TouchChat 2.1.1 Update

  Posted on Aug 21, 2015 - 1:30pm

Hooray for TouchChat 2.1.1!  This release includes some awesome features, such as data logging and access to News-2-You and Unique Learning System pages for TouchChat! See below for more exciting...


FREE Trial Of Unique & News-2-You Pages

  Posted on Jul 23, 2015 - 1:41pm

Would you like a FREE trial of our News-2-You & Unique pages this summer? The pages currently posted on the Saltillo website will be compatible with TouchChat for the remainder of the summer so th...


TouchChat 2.0 Plus New FREE Chat Editor!

  Posted on Apr 10, 2015 - 9:49am

TouchChat 2.0 has arrived!  This much anticipated release has converted TouchChat into a universal app with even more standard vocabulary options available to meet your specific needs.  Spa...


FREE Gateway Online Training

  Posted on Mar 23, 2015 - 3:08pm

Have you ever wondered what the Gateway vocabulary is all about?  Join us for a free webinar on Tuesday, April 21st from 8-9pm EDT that will: (a) present the history and rational behind the devel...


New Lower Pricing On TouchChat Phone Support!

  Posted on Nov 10, 2014 - 10:50am

Update:  Introducing new LOWER pricing on our Live TouchChat phone and chat support packages. You'll definitely want to check it out!   We are delighted to announce that phone support and li...


TouchChat App As A Literacy Support Tool

  Posted on Oct 2, 2014 - 9:42am

Join us at Closing the Gap in Minneapolis for a seminar on TouchChat App as a Literacy Support Tool. TouchChat App as a Literacy Support Tool Date: Wed, Oct 15, 2014 from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Location: P...


Phone & Chat Support Now Available For TouchChat!!

  Posted on Sep 30, 2014 - 2:29pm

You spoke and we listened!  We are delighted to announce that phone support and live chat support is now available for the TouchChat App during regular business hours.  You have the option t...


Other WordPower Updates

  Posted on Jun 16, 2014 - 3:03pm

TouchChat version 1.4.7 not only introduced WordPower60, but also made some changes to some of the existing WordPower files.  Those changes are: - Updates and corrections in all files - Updates a...


WordPower60 Released

  Posted on Jun 16, 2014 - 1:47pm

With the release of version 1.4.7 last week, WordPower60 is now included in the purchased WordPower files.  WordPower60 is the newest WordPower vocabulary option designed for the TouchChat app.&n...


New AirDrop® Feature!

  Posted on Jun 16, 2014 - 1:42pm

Version 1.4.6 of TouchChat was released a couple of weeks ago with a really cool feature- AirDrop®!  This let's you easily transfer a file from one device to another. Find out more here. &nbs...


Vocabulary Exploration Recorded Webinar

  Posted on May 27, 2014 - 10:52am

Check out the new video on our website that will give you a thorough explanation of the different vocabularies available within the TouchChat App, along with some implementation tips!  Just scrol...


Online TouchChat Parent Training

  Posted on May 19, 2014 - 4:55pm

Parents, check out the "Let's Get Started with TouchChat" training on June 17th, designed specifically for you. This 30 minute training will step you through the basics of TouchChat and what you need ...


How do you get started with beginning AAC Communicators?  These documents provide help teaching the 15 Early Generative Language Words in WordPower 20 Simply for TouchChat. The Early Language Wor...


Pixon For TouchChat

  Posted on Dec 5, 2013 - 11:39am

Pixon for TouchChat has been added to the Upgrade Store within the TouchChat app for $79.99.  The Pixon™ Project Kit provides 10 different manual communication boards. One of those boards -...


What Is Available In-App?

  Posted on Nov 4, 2013 - 2:32pm

Did you ever wonder what is available as an in-app purchase? There are vocabularies, such as Gateway and WordPower along with page sets for different languages and several voices. Click here for more ...


Changes To Certified TouchChat Trainer Program

  Posted on Nov 1, 2013 - 12:52pm

Please note that the introductory period of the Certified TouchChat Trainer program has expired and we have made some changes to the program, which are effective immediately. Feel free to email cara@t...


Preschool Teacher

  Posted on Oct 11, 2013 - 9:09am

"Love this app. I'm still in the early learning stages, but it's very easy to use so far!! My preschoolers, verbal and non-verbal, love it too!!" - Brandi Edwards


Kayla, The Nonverbal Cheerleader

  Posted on Oct 4, 2013 - 1:23pm

  Kayla wasn't going to let the fact that she's nonverbal hold her back from being a cheerleader. She joined the squad this year and uses TouchChat to communicate with her teammates. Such an insp...


Important Note Regarding IOS 7

  Posted on Sep 20, 2013 - 4:26pm

IMPORTANT NOTE Regarding iOs 7 upgrade: Please, be sure to back up all custom vocabulary files within TouchChat prior to doing the iOs Upgrade. Find the instructions for doing this in the User's Manua...


Spanish Vocab Files Now Available For TouchChat!

  Posted on Aug 21, 2013 - 12:33pm

Hooray!  Spanish Vocabulary files and voices are now available as an add-on for the TouchChat app in Version 1.4.0!  The Spanish files will be available in the Upgrade Store for $89.99. ...


TouchChat Trial

  Posted on Jul 11, 2013 - 2:29pm

"THANK YOU TouchChat!!! I am happy to report that my daughter, Kate, has begun her 3 week trial* of an iPad® with the TouchChat app. It was so exciting to see engaged and so focused as she learned...


New TouchChat User Group On Facebook

  Posted on Jun 26, 2013 - 1:18pm

Come and check out the new online community for adult TouchChat users, parents, therapists and others who support TouchChat users. This group is a great place to share information with others or ask q...


Mom In Canada

  Posted on Jun 6, 2013 - 1:10pm

"You have no idea how touch chat has increased my sons communication. He has had an AAC device for 8 years but an iPad® with touch chat for the last 2. While it was great before with the other dev...


Emily's Mom

  Posted on May 30, 2013 - 1:40pm

"Yay! TouchChat is officially on Emily's iPad®. Let the speaking begin! Tonight we had it on guided access, so all she could do was explore the speech app. She wanted to listen to her music on iTu...


Mother Of A Brand New TouchChat User

  Posted on May 30, 2013 - 1:37pm

"My son just said 'I really really really love you dad'.  We just downloaded TouchChat HD with Word Power today after using a paper version at school for a month or so. I have no idea how to set ...


If you use iShare and are looking for resources about children's books, we have something you'll want to check out.  Within the iShare community there are a lot of great vocabularies/pages that p...


Did you know that you can transfer a vocabulary file from TouchChat to your Nova Chat device?  Watch this tutorial for step-by-step directions on how to do this.


Certified TouchChat Trainer Program

  Posted on Apr 9, 2013 - 1:08pm

Do you consider yourself a TouchChat expert? Would you like to hold trainings in your area to teach others how to use, edit and customize TouchChat? If so, you may want to consider applying for our Ce...


The Story Behind The TouchChat App

  Posted on Jan 9, 2013 - 3:34pm

If you've ever wondered how TouchChat came to be, here is a link to a great story by Wynsum Arts in their "Every App Has A Story" series.


TouchChat Update 1.3.0 Has Been Released

  Posted on Jan 4, 2013 - 3:17pm

A new TouchChat update 1.3.0 has been released. Some of the updates made include: Two additional Multichat 15 vocabulary files have been added- An Adolescent and an Adult file. WordPower and MultiC...


Surf dog Ricochet is a certified goal directed therapy dog with Pawsitive Teams. Speech language pathologist, Renee works with a student who has a verbal disability. She had the idea of the student wo...


TouchChat And The IPad Mini™

  Posted on Nov 27, 2012 - 9:07am

With the release of the new iPad mini™, we have been receiving a lot of questions on whether TouchChat will work on it and which version to use.  Yes, TouchChat will work on the new iPad mi...


IShare Server Maintenance

  Posted on Nov 9, 2012 - 9:15am

We will be performing maintenance on the iShare server this Saturday evening/night (November 10). Unfortunately, this will take the server offline for quite a while, maybe 8 hours or more and you will...


Hurray- it’s finally here! Many of you have been asking for it and Apple® has listened. With the release of iOs 6 today, you now have the ability to “lock” users into TouchChat, ...


New TouchChat Customization Trainings

  Posted on Jul 26, 2012 - 11:07am

We have more great news to announce today!  We are now offering two new 1-hour online trainings to help you better customize and tailor TouchChat to fit your needs (ASHA CEU's are ...


TouchChat Manual Arrives

  Posted on Jul 25, 2012 - 11:35am

Many of you have been asking us for more than a quick reference guide to help you get started.  Well, the time has come!  Introducing the new TouchChat Manual!  Almost everything you ev...


TouchChat Podcasts Available In ITunes®

  Posted on May 16, 2012 - 10:58am

Did you know that the TouchChat Training Videos are now available as podcasts in the iTunes Store®?  They are broken down by topic so that you can download and watch just the podcasts you&nbs...


Mummy Of A TouchChat User

  Posted on Apr 13, 2012 - 3:10pm

"I'm so excited!!!! I'm currently installing the TouchChat Windows Editor Software. Thank you so much for going out of your way to ensure it arrived all the way down in Oz. You have made this Mummy - ...


Mother Of An AAC User

  Posted on Apr 12, 2012 - 1:30pm

"My 8 year old daughter does not 'get' some other AAC apps at all. To her it is confusing and takes ALOT of moving through the app to communicate even a small request, comment, etc. TouchCha...


TouchChat User

  Posted on Apr 12, 2012 - 1:17pm

"I never wanted a device before, but this is good. This helps with (my) advocacy work. (It) helps me help others recover (from) stroke. It helps me communicate clear(ly)."- David Adams, stroke survivo...


Graduate Student Clinician Speech-Language Pathology

  Posted on Apr 12, 2012 - 1:15pm

"The Touch Chat with Word Power is a great application for my clients with AAC needs. It is easy to program for both professionals and caregivers. The predictive text feature has been invaluable for m...


TouchChat Keyguards

  Posted on Mar 20, 2012 - 12:07pm

Do you find yourself or your client needing improved access for TouchChat HD on the iPad®?  If improved access is required, then there are keyguard options available to assist with making the...


CSUN 2012

  Posted on Feb 28, 2012 - 11:06am

Join us February 29th- March 3rd at the 27th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN) at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel. Stop by booth #400 to get all of your ...


TONS Of TouchChat Resources!

  Posted on Feb 11, 2012 - 5:53am

We are proud to announce the launch of our new TouchChat website, entirely dedicated to all things TouchChat! We have provided you with a wealth of resources and hope that you will be able to find al...
