NEW! Experience TouchChat® Discover, your risk-free way to try all the features of the popular TouchChat app before you buy. After downloading, you’ll have the option start a FREE 30-day trial OR to explore the WordPower®96 English and Spanish lite-tech boards.
Before your 30-day trial ends, you’ll have the option to purchase TouchChat HD w/WordPower, TouchChat HD, or TouchChat HD Lite. If you don’t make a purchase, you’ll still have access to the WordPower96 English and Spanish low-tech boards when your trial period ends.
TouchChat provides English, Spanish, Canadian French, Arabic, Hebrew, and Mandarin Chinese options in a universal app supporting iPhone®, iPod touch® and iPad®.
Step 1
Download TouchChat Discover from the App Store®.
Step 2
After downloading, you’ll have the option to start a free 30-day trial OR to use WordPower96 English and Spanish lite-tech boards.
Step 3
When your 30-day trial ends, you’ll have the option to purchase TouchChat HD w/WordPower, TouchChat HD or TouchChat HD Lite without needing to download a separate app. If you don’t make a purchase, you’ll only have access to the WordPower96 English and Spanish lite-tech boards. Please be aware that after an upgrade, the app’s icon will update to the option chosen, but “TouchChat DS” will still be the app name that appears under the icon.
An industry-leading iOS-based AAC app, TouchChat has easy-to-customize features and a wide range of vocabularies, languages, and voices. Its intuitive design gives individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice the ability to communicate with the world around them using the familiarity of an iPad®, iPad mini®, iPhone® or iPod touch®.
All supported language options are included during the TouchChat Discover 30-day trial period.