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There are Mandarin standard page sets available within TouchChat® under the Chinese section. All of the page sets you see below can be customized to personalize existing pages and buttons, create pages, or even create your own personal page set. You decide how many buttons to display on a page. You can select the image, label, spoken message, color, and font. Select from over 50 button actions when creating new buttons. Over 30,000 Symbolstix symbols are included for customizing buttons, or use any image or take a photo with the built-in camera.

Mandarin Page Sets (included on all TouchChat apps)

A 15 location file intended for Adolescents.  There are multiple forms of communication available in this program: sentences, phrases, and individual words. Also included are interactive play, reading and social pages. There are symbols on every button with the exclusion of several core words.

MC 15 home page

沟通之旅:失语症 (CJA) is a vocabulary file containing features designed to support people with aphasia. It was developed by Lois Turner (SLP), Anne MacCullum (SLP), and Sarah Douglas (SLP Assistant) in consultation with a group of speech-language pathologists who work exclusively with people with aphasia and brain injuries. Designed for individuals with aphasia, this is a simple page set that incorporates 12-15 button pages and visual scenes for clocks, schedules, body, maps, and much more.

Aphasia, a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain where language is stored, may affect the ability to comprehend language, to express oneself, to read, or to spell and write.  This file can easily be adapted for use by people with different types of aphasia and a range of cognitive levels and degrees of severity.

Although this vocabulary file contains starting-point vocabulary commonly required by adults with aphasia, it MUST be customized. Each person has a unique history and the file must reflect their lives, experiences and abilities.

CJA home page

WordPower™ (bundle with TouchChat or purchase in-app)

The following Mandarin vocabulary files will be included ONLY if TouchChat HD w/ WordPower or the WordPower add-on is purchased for TouchChat HD. Download the WordPower Support: English // Mandarin

语力60(WordPower) was designed with early language learners in mind, providing ample picture support and novel structures to facilitate expressive language development. Core vocabulary is embedded within category and activity pages, allowing easy generation of language from the main core page as well as within specific topic-based pages. Core words remain consistent in terms of placement and access, providing a natural bridge between core and fringe words. Early literacy is enhanced using pages designed around several popular children’s books.