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Add A Webhook Event To A Button

Please note that creating webhooks requires a basic understanding of webhooks and programming skills.

Important! You must be connected to Wi-Fi to use webhooks.

You can create as many webhook buttons as you want, but you can only specify one URL for each button.

Examples of webhook events: send the latest weather report to your device; trigger a payment; send an alert when something happens; turn on a light; open a door; set a thermostat; operate a smart home device

Note: You can simplify programming webhooks by using ChatEditor, especially copying and pasting URLs and entering data in JSON format.

  1. Go to the page on which you want the webhook button and tap Menu.
  2. Tap Edit Page. The page is now in Edit Mode.
  3. Either tap or touch and hold the button you want to modify. The Edit Button menu opens.
  4. Tap Edit This Button. A window opens that will allow you to modify the button.
  5. Enter a button label and select or import an image.
  6. Scroll down to the Button Actions section.
  7. Tap Add to open a list of actions.
  8. Tap WebHook to open a window.
  9. Tap after https:// to insert a cursor and open a keyboard.
  10. Enter the URL for the webhook event. This can be copied from the webhook service/provider site.
  11. If your event requires a payload, tap in the JSON field to insert a cursor and enter the data in JSON format that you want to send from the button.
  12. To test the webhook, tap Test Webhook.
  13. When you finish, tap Done. The webhook URL will appear in the Button Actions section.
  14. Tap Save.
  15. Make sure you have an active Wi-Fi connection and choose the button you created. 

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