Please note that creating webhooks requires a basic understanding of webhooks and programming skills.
Important! You must be connected to Wi-Fi to use webhooks.
You can create as many webhook buttons as you want, but you can only specify one URL for each button.
Examples of webhook events: send the latest weather report to your device; trigger a payment; send an alert when something happens; turn on a light; open a door; set a thermostat; operate a smart home device
Note: You can simplify programming webhooks by using ChatEditor, especially copying and pasting URLs and entering data in JSON format.
- Go to the page on which you want the webhook button and tap Menu.
- Tap Edit Page. The page is now in Edit Mode.
- Either tap or touch and hold the button you want to modify. The Edit Button menu opens.
- Tap Edit This Button. A window opens that will allow you to modify the button.
- Enter a button label and select or import an image.
- Scroll down to the Button Actions section.
- Tap Add to open a list of actions.
- Tap WebHook to open a window.
- Tap after https:// to insert a cursor and open a keyboard.
- Enter the URL for the webhook event. This can be copied from the webhook service/provider site.
- If your event requires a payload, tap in the JSON field to insert a cursor and enter the data in JSON format that you want to send from the button.
- To test the webhook, tap Test Webhook.
- When you finish, tap Done. The webhook URL will appear in the Button Actions section.
- Tap Save.
- Make sure you have an active Wi-Fi connection and choose the button you created.

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