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Modify The Way A Button Speaks

The way a button speaks can be modified by simply editing the button action or changing the settings. The following is a listing of the speaking button actions that are available:

Speech Message: speaks whatever text is in the message box and adds it to the display
Speak Message Only: speaks whatever text is in the message box (does not add it to the display)
Speak Label Only: speaks whatever text is in the label box (does not add it to the display)
Add message to Display: adds text in the message box to the display (doesn’t speak it)
Play Audio: plays whatever recorded message has been assigned to the button
Speak: this will speak all text that exists on the display and in the display buffer
Speak last: repeats the last thing spoken

All of these actions are dependent on the Speech Settings. There is an over-all Speech On/Off setting in the Settings Menu.

To turn all speech on or off:

  1. Choose Settings
  2. Choose Speech Output
  3. Check or uncheck Speech off setting to match your current needs

More specific Speech settings determine when individual characters, words, or sentences are spoken. These are modified by:

  1. Choose Settings
  2. Choose Speech Output
  3. Check or uncheck any of the speech settings to match your current needs

To modify a button’s speech action:

  1. Click Edit mode
  2. Right click on the button to open the menu
  3. Choose Edit Button. A button properties screen will appear.
  4. Choose the Actions tab. The button action properties will appear.
  5. Choose Remove button to remove the currently set action (if any).
  6. Choose the appropriate speak action from the drop-down action list.
  7. Click Add button next to the action list. The action will appear in the preview slot.
  8. Click Ok.

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